Installation and Spring Luncheons

Includes sponsor’s name and logo on menu, place cards and marketing material, four lunch places, a vote of thanks by the Master during their speech and an opportunity to respond in front of some of the world’s best architects.
The Installation Court Luncheon takes place in September and provides the setting for the Master to launch their year’s agenda. The Spring Luncheon takes place in April.
We also have the pleasure of presenting two of our prestigious awards to students at the Installation Lunch.
The lunches take place in one of the City’s Livery Halls, most of which are rarely open to the general public. The £2,500 sponsorship cost of each lunch is used to subsidise the cost of attendance for younger members, apprentices and students; the mentorship of whom is one of the WCCA’s aims.
Annual Banquet

Includes sponsor’s name and logo on menu, place cards and marketing material, four dinner places, a vote of thanks by the Master during their speech and an opportunity to respond in front of some of the world’s best architects.
The Annual Banquet is a white-tie event and is held every January and is an opportunity to look forward to the forthcoming year.
The sponsorship of the Annual Banquet is £3,500, which includes four tickets to the event and inclusion of the sponsor details on all promotional materials.
The event is held in one of the Livery Halls not normally open to the public and provides an opportunity to speak to some of the world’s best architects. The sponsorship helps subsidise the cost of the Annual Banquet for students and apprentices.
The Annual Lecture

Includes sponsor’s name on marketing material and a vote of thanks at the event.
Each year the Master invites a leading thinker relating to their year in office. In 2023 the Annual Lecture was given in June by Professor Jan Gehl, the leading urbanist, and in June 2024 it will be Professor Stuart Russell, who presented the amazing BBC Reith Lectures in 2021 on the role of Artificial Intelligence.
To cost to sponsor this event is £4,000, which would subsidise the cost of tickets for students and apprentices and contribute towards refreshments. The sponsor would be featured prominently in all advertising and marketing material and would be thanked on the evening by the Master. The event takes place in one of the City’s special buildings, which are not normally open to the public and will be available to view online.
Summer Dinner

Includes sponsor’s name and logo on menu, place cards and marketing material, four lunch places, a vote of thanks by the Master during their speech and an opportunity to respond in front of some of the world’s best architects.
The Summer Dinner is held in July and is a very special event when we present that year’s City Building of the Year Award.
The sponsorship cost of the dinner is £3,000 and includes four places to attend in one of the City’s Livery Halls not normally open to the public. The sponsorship allows the WCCA to invite students and apprentices to the lunch at nominal cost and the sponsor’s name features prominently on the menu and marketing material and the sponsor would be thanked by the Master at the event.