Welcoming a diverse membership with a passion for architecture.

If your are passionate about the built environment, you can apply to join as a student or a freeman.

Membership Process
How do you join?

Download and complete the relevant form from one of the options below and return to assistantclerk@architectscompany.org

The Company welcomes all applications for membership from registered architects and others committed to the promotion of architecture and the built environment generally


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What are the costs?

Admission to the Company as a Freeman incurs a one off ‘fine’ which is age dependent, the student entry fine is a one off £25.

Freemen applicants require a proposer and seconder which the Assistant Clerk can help with and will then have a short informal chat with the Master & Wardens before formal admission.

What happens next?

Once you have submitted an application form, you will be have a short pre admission interview set up by the Assistant Clerk.

If you want to proceed with membership after this interview, you will be required to pay your one off entry fee (called a “fine”) and set up the relevant membership direct debits and a Charitable Trust donation – however modest, which is a requirement of livery company membership.

Students and new Freemen over 85 and Honorary members do not pay monthly membership fees, but any donations are always welcome!